Thursday, June 13, 2013

Keeping it real and getting back at it

I realized at my meeting Tuesday that if someone that is a lifetime member of weight watchers and at their goal weight can still loose 4.2lbs in a week, then why the hell can't I? Easy!! I CAN!!!! All I need to do is get real!

Weight watchers is a program with many different parts for a reason. I know it works when you follow the program. I was sitting in my meeting and it was like "A" (my leader) was speaking directly to me! I need to track and I need to get in my activity. I need to eat my fruits and veggies. I need to follow my good health checks! This week I am going ALL of these things!!

I got up and as soon as my meeting was over I bought a paper tracker!! I am an adult and I know what I need to do in order to reach my goal. I have been doing this long enough to know that I do better when I track. I also know that I am better at tracking when I use paper and pen. So, DO WHAT WORKS!!!

This week I have decided that I am keeping a close eye on my sugar in take, I am tracking everything!! everyday!!! I have set a goal of 25 activity points, (it's the end of day 2 and I am already half way there, so I am totally counting on more than 25) I am getting healthier in general (Even if this means cooking two dinners, which I did both last night and tonight)

I am going to be away all weekend for a wedding and I fully plan on staying on plan!! I am taking my tracker and my scale! I will be sure to hit 100% of my activelink goal each day that I am away. I will no longer just sit back and "hope" I am doing enough, from this day forward I will KNOW that what I am doing is enough!!

I will not let people bring me down. I will not let people that have never struggled with their weight tell me that they "know" what is best for me and I will not let these people bother me. If you are not my doctor than you can not tell me that I am wrong! I know the program works!! I have seen it with my own eyes. I am walking proof that it works and soon enough people will look at me and I will be "that" girl.

You know the one you look at and think "God, I hate that skinny bitch" YES this is my goal in life! To be the girl that your husband breaks his neck to look at while you smack him because you are on a date together. The one that eats an ice cream or BIG ol' piece of cake an you think "I hate her". Only you won't know that I once was 260lbs and I have fought my way skinny! and healthy!! I will keep up the fight and while I might hit a rough spot here or there and loose a battle or two I WILL win the war!!!

I leave you with my week so far:

I took a trip to the grocery store and I am very proud to say this is what I bought!! My cart before weight watchers was full of processed foods that were really bad for me but now it's full of produce :-) the whole family has started eating healthier. 

I realized that my fat roll on my back right under my arm and above where my bra falls is almost gone!! I love that I am starting to see these results. It's easy to see the number on the scale go down but it helps you feel better about yourself when you can actually see the results in other areas as well!! 

This was breakfast yesterday. 3 egg whites, half a roll with butter, and 3 slices of giant brand microwaveable bacon and a pinch of 2% cheese. 7 weight watchers points plus value. It was really good and filling. I didn't even eat anything until lunch. 

When I decided on a ww string cheese, half a ham and cheese sandwich on light 7 grain bread with 2 pickles. For a total of 4 ww points plus value. Again this kept me full until dinner :-)

This was def my favorite meal of the day. I cooked and ate spaghetti squash for the first time ever!!!! Soooo good. I added 3oz of grilled turkey breast and some spaghetti sauce. For a total of 5 points plus value. This is a big plate of food and I wasn't even able to finish it!! I will tell you spaghetti squash is zero points plus value and very filling!!! 

Here we have my new "before & during" picture. There is a 10 month difference between these two pictures and 30.2lbs!!!! I will NEVER again be that big!! With those 30 lbs I have dropped 3-4 pants sizes and 4-5 dress sizes!!! Tell me that isn't amazing!! I have gained so much more though. I can't wait to see what us in store for me and my future. Who's coming with me???

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