Wednesday, June 26, 2013

It's been to long!

I realize I haven't blogged in a while. So the quick update is this: I didn't loose 4lbs like I wanted to. I did loose 1.4 that week which I shouldn't have. I have kind of lost my faith in the program and I find myself getting on the scale every day and instead of being sure to follow the plan no matter what, what I do each day would depend solely on the number on the scale. If it was lower than the day before I would slack off and take the day with ease. And on the same note, if the number on the scale wasn't what I wanted I would get depressed and not do so well.

Last week I decided that I am not going to get on the scale at all and I am going to follow the plan and see what happens. I was down .2. Not what I was looking for but I'll take it because I didn't get in the activity that I need to in order to get the results that I want. I also didn't track for two or three days.

I am starting to realize that I need to focus on the program and following it! That's what's going to give me the results that I want. I have been following this program since Oct but feel like I am brand new because I wasn't really using the tools of the program or following it like I  should have been all along. I almost feel like I am just getting started.

When I first started loosing weight I would still eat crap and not really pay attention to what I was putting in my mouth. Ummm HELLO!!! That's why I am so fat in the first place!! I mean seriously, I was at me biggest on my wedding day, a day when most women are smaller because they have lost weight to look their best. Even that wasn't good enough for me, it took another year before I would take that first step.

Now after I have lost 32lbs, I am finally ready to eat healthier. I see so many people that workout and eat healthy and I want to be those people. I want my children to be healthy and not have to worry about people making fun of them because they are fat, or letting their weight hold them back. For the longest time I hated going anywhere because I was always the fat girl. I am still fat unhealthy I am sure but I am taking the steps to getting healthy.

I have decided that I am no longer going to let things in life hold me back or stop me fro being the person that I want to be. I have joined a fitness group on facebook and I am starting the INSANITY workout program with my sister in law next week! It will be hard but I know we can do it!!!

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