Monday, May 6, 2013

What's your anchor?

This was the topic at my weight watchers meeting last week. It really got me thinking about all the different reasons that I joined weight watchers and why I continue to stick with it. I know that I joined because I was sick of being fat!! I don't really like the word fat but I still use it, usually referring to myself :-( I really should have a more positive self image and that is what I am working on.

I joined weight watchers because I was embarrassed by my weight even when it came to my husband. I never told him how much a weighed until just a couple of weeks ago!! Of course he knows I'm over weight and he has seen me naked....clearly since we have two children...LOL but I hated the way I looked naked and even with clothes on for that matter! I wanted to and still do want to look and feel sexy all the time!!

Back to the topic on anchor!! Lots of people say that their anchor is their children or something like that and it sounds great to say that your children are your reason for getting healthy and they are what keep you focused but if it isn't true than none of that matters. Of course I want to be healthy for my children and my husband but I wouldn't say that they keep me focused. Actually they tend to make it harder at times to stay focused. My husband doesn't really need to loose weight and while he is a HUGE support person for me he sometimes wants to eat things that aren't good for me or my weight loss and I often give into the temptation which again isn't good!!! My children, well they are children. They don't understand what I am doing so they eat whatever and of course always want to share with mommy!!

I shared my anchor with all of you in my last post but I don't think I actually said it was my anchor and what keeps me focused. My goal jars!!! One is labeled "pounds to loose" and the other "pounds lost" I move marbles from the pounds to loose jar into the pounds lost jar when I loose weight. One marble for each pound! I do the opposite when I gain. I move marbles from the pounds lost jar back into the pounds to loose jar. This is one thing I hate doing!!!

I keep these jars on my phone as a reminder of what I am staying focused for. I say this because I am thinking that this anchor has served it's time and my reasons for loosing weight are beginning to change and with that my anchor will change as well. My jars just don't seem to be doing their job any more. I will still keep them and I will still keep up with them but I need something else to keep me focused on the bigger picture.

Over the next few days or weeks, however long it takes I will be on a journey not just to loose weight and get healthy but to find my focus again! I need to start to really challenge myself and my body. I need to shake things up a little and kick start my weigh loss again. I will not go back to the girl I was a few months ago!! I will continue to move forward and I will continue to get smaller while doing it.


  1. My anchor... I have a few. My ownself, my kids and my husband. (Here comes my vain side) I want to be the (healthy) hot mom and wife. And I want to prove a bunch of people wrong. I want to prove ME wrong.

  2. That's totally fine!! Sometimes you need to be selfish to get what you want and there is nothing wrong with that. By taking care of yourself you will be that hot mom and wife that you want to be and your husband and children will love you for it!!! You are doing great!
