Thursday, May 16, 2013

My little funk

I wrote this post before the one I just published but didn't realize it was never posted. It's just as equally important though and I am sharing it now. I wrote this about a week ago. 

I have been in a little funk lately and it wasn't until last night that I actually realized just how long I have been battling the same two pounds. I have made the decision to focus on non-scale victories as stated an earlier post. I'm not going to lie it has taken me a long time to get to this piont but I am so glad that I am here now.

I am at a point in my journey where I can tell myself that this is just a bump in the road and I will get past it as long as I just stay focused and push past this. I honestly think know my support system has played a HUGE part in getting to this point. I realize now that staying active and eating right all the time are so important!!

Before if when I would hit a slump and battle the same few pounds for more than a week or two I would just give up. I would get discouraged and give up. Not this time. I am now able to understand that getting healthy isn't all about wight, its about staying active and eating properly. Doing these things is what is more important, and when you do these things the weight will come off. Sometimes it takes longer than other times but it will happen!!

My focus lately has been on improving my habits and drinking more water. I have decided that I might need to stop counting my points and start "simply filling", I will talk to my meeting leader this week depending on how I do. I have a HUGE support system and I am inspiring people without even knowing it. I have shared a lot of pictures on instagram this week because that is where alot of my support comes from and I love that I can connect to others that are on weight watchers and I can get new ideas from them as well.

I have included a few of those pictures at the end of this post. A long with a few others. Hopefully if you are struggling in your own journey, you will find this helpful and always remember "Tough times don't last, tough people do!"

This week C25K kicked my butt, but I pushed through and finished week 2!!! 

Good thing I did because I went shopping and all these tops are a size smaller than before. :-)

Someone in my life join weight watchers and decided to healthy because of me. That's pretty awesome!! 

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