Monday, April 29, 2013

How did I get here?

This is something that I ask myself quite often. Sure you can say that I have had two children and it's "harder" to loose baby weight. Or whatever else you want but the fact of the matter is, I let myself get this way.

You could even go as far to say that I caused my weight to get so out of control. It started well before I had children. As a teenager I never did anything that would allow me to maintain a healthy weight.

When my husband and I started dating I was already overweight and he enjoyed taking me out to dinner. Of course I'm not one of those "oh I'll just get a salad" type of girls so all that unhealthy food added to the fact that I was lazy equaled added weight.

When I had my son you would think I would want to get healthy for him but NOPE!! I just stayed the way I was. When he was one I got pregnant with my daughter and gained another 60 lbs. When it's all said and done, I did this to myself.

If you are looking for an actual reason as to how or why my weight has gotten so out of control GOOD LUCK!! I can't tell you that for sure. What I can tell you is that I have several health issues that run in my family, none of which I have right now but I know that my weight can cause these problems to be worse.

I have decided that no matter the reason I am overweight I know the reasons to put an end to it:
  1. I need to be around for my children
  2. I refuse to be embarrassed my a broken camp chair (This is the main reason I joined weight watchers. I was slightly over the weight limit on my camp chair and I was always scared that I was going to break it)
  3. I am tried of seeing cute clothes and thinking it won't look cute on me
  4. I want to for me!!!
  5. Now that I have started loosing weight it's actually fun!!

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