Friday, April 26, 2013

Am I really doing enough?

This may seem like a silly question to many people but it's a question that I ask myself often. I know I have lost 30.2 lbs since starting my journey but I have never once joined a gym! I often feel like I don't workout enough or as much as I should as much as I can. I think I could loose weight quicker if I went to the gym or if I were to do different workouts at home.

Part of my problem is I feel like someone is always watching me and I worry about what others think about me. I recently started training to run a 5K in Sept. I started by just walking everyday and now I am able to run for about a third of a mile without stopping. I run alone either around a local lake or just around my neighborhood. When I do this though I get this feeling like everyone is staring at me thinking "what the hell?" Or "How does her fat ass do that?" I think this even when there isn't anyone around.

But at the same time, there are days that I will run with my daughter in the jogger stroller and I feel people staring at me but now I feel good about it. I think they are thinking "wow! look at her push herself" or "it can't be easy to run with that stroller" I am not sure why I struggle with these feelings so much but I do.

I walk over 5 miles almost everyday and I run almost everyday as well. I know everyone has to start somewhere but I am starting to feel like I need to do more. I need to go to a gym and work the machines. But I love being outside!!

SO here's my goal for next week: I will look up new exercises that I can do that will help me get in better shape. Because my journey isn't just about getting skinny, it's about getting healthy!! Today a friend sent me a text asking me if I was able to do a plank for 30 seconds.....HALF A MINUTE!!! The answer HELL NO!!! I am so out of shape I cant even hold it long enough to get set :-(

Everyone will fall but what's important is how many times you get back up!! If you fall eight times get up nine!!!


  1. Crystal,
    I know it's hard not to worry what others think because I do all the time. .... but, if anyone is judging you they have the problem. You are the one getting your workout on while they are sitting on their ass!! When I pass runners while driving who look like they are struggling I always say some words of encouragement out loud to myself (I know I just sounded like a total weirdo) cuz hey, they are doing more than I am at that moment. I started running in the fall and could barely finish a mile and I just did my first 10k last weekend! Last year I sat at the finish line at the same race with my coffee waiting to watch Tom finish. Keep your head up! ! Shape magazine has great exercises to do at home in each issue. A lot use weights but some don't require any equipment. - Heather Gamber

  2. Thanks Heather!! I really want to run a 5K in Sept but I still can't run a mile. I have been pushing myself because I want to do the race. I want to start small. I have never ran a race before and never even thought I would want to but I realize now that its something that I actually really want to do. Hopefully I will be able to finish.
