Thursday, September 12, 2013

Getting Healthy on a Budget

I hear people say all the time that it costs too much to eat healthy foods. I am here to tell you that, that is not true. Yes there are some foods that are healthy for you and they are very expensive, however you can eat healthy and not break the bank! I was able to go to the grocery store tonight and get about 3 weeks worth of food for my family of five(My husband's grandmother lives with us) for $200. For me it's all about planning. I plan everything about my shopping drop and I mean EVERYTHING!!! I have an order and I need to be able to stay focused. Here's a pretty simple break down of my usual shopping trip. 1.ALWAYS make a list of food that you need in the house (meats, fresh/frozem fruits and veggies, etc) 2. Shop the sale ads (This is very important, you want to make a special note of what you need and what is on sale, check next weeks paper too. Something you have on your list might be on sale next week so you can buy it then) 3. Don't be afraid to coupon (this is FREE money) Once you have your list, your sale ads, and your coupons, you should be sure not to go to the store hungry, you are more likely to impluse buy and buy things that are unhealthy when you are hungry. You also what to meal plan. Meal planning will allow you to know what type of food you need for the week and allow you to be sure you are cooking healthy foods for your family. Look at meals for things you can substuite. If a meal calls for ground beef, I always use ground turkey instead. (I buy the giant brand turkey and its $10 for 3lbs.) Buy in bulk when possible and freeze your meats (I even freeze my lunch meat) Personaly I think the internet is my best friend when it comes to eating healthier. I love to look up new foods to try. You also can't be afraid to try new things. If there is something that you see online or in the store that you know is healthy and you think someone has said it tastes good, or even if they said they didn't like it, buy it and try it for yourself!! On this journey I have found out that I actually like spaghetti squash, calliflower, and several other veggies that I would have never eaten before. And I LOVE to cook with onions now! I can't say it enough though, planning is key!! Walk into the store with a plan and stick to it! I will admitt that I sometimes, actually alot of the time I buy things that aren't on my list and aren't the healthiest foods and that is okay!! One thing I like to do is buy single serve chips and cookies because I will eat less that way. I get fat free frozen yogurt (when it's on sale) Lastly I tell you to keep track of what you spend as you are walking through the store. I always know how much I want to spend when I leave the house. Take a pen with you so that you can keep track of your total as you go through the store. This will help you decide if an unhealthy food that's not in your list makes it into your cart. Try to buy the unhealthy food only if you have a coupon or if its on sale or both!! If you plan on buying unhealthier foods put them on your list!! One thing I have learned us that if you tell yourself no in the store you only say no once, if you buy it and take it home you are saying no until its gone....ask yourself is it worth it? 

We will address some healthy meals that I make for my family as well as how we are adjusting to our new schedule and how to get your whole family on board with your new healthy lifestyle this month :-) I am very excited to be taking this journey with all of you. 

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